Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sacred Ground

The other day I had one of those amazingly privileged experiences that we're only blessed with so often.  I called a friend to see if she wanted me to do her family photos for Christmas cards.  She mentioned a couple of others that may be interested as well so I could get some practice for a portfolio I'm wanting to put together.  One of them is a friend that I have known through her for years with a son that has cancer.  He was born with brain cancer and as a result born sightless.  I remember the first time I met him he walked right up to me, asked me my name and what was my favorite kind of music?  He had a brightness and energy about him.  He would light up the room.  I received a call from her within an hour.  She said she would like pictures, but could it be soon?  Maybe tomorrow?  They were doing castings of his hands so they would have a memory of him when he passed, which they were expecting to happen any day.  I said of course.  What an amazing family.  It was an honor to be part of their experience as they welcomed me into their home.  All he wanted for his birthday was a mini fridge stocked with refreshments for others.  His motto is, "Come depressed, leave refreshed." Even though Devin can't see with his physical eyes,  he truly sees people.  This is an amazing family that lets you feel God's love through them and being in their  home was like walking on Holy Ground.


  1. Great post, thanks for sharing.

  2. What a strong message. I really enjoyed this! Thanks Deb. Love you guys!

  3. Greeat job Muhda! made me tear. Who sings that song?

  4. The song is one of my favs, its "Blessings" by Laura Story.

  5. This is so sweet Aunt Deb:) You did a wonderful job!! Sure enjoyed it! What a cute fam! -Sabrina

  6. Deb, It's absolutely beautiful!!


  7. Thanks for taking the time to watch. It was a great experience to be a part of. Thanks for your nice comments!

  8. You are such an AWESOME Person! I LUFFF U!!

