Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Here's a sampling of the engagements Kinsey and Lane just got back from Sunderland Photography:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Catching Up...

It was a fun summer.  We did so many things and spent some fun time together.  There was also the typical sibling stuff and mom trying to work them to death pulling weeds (or so they claim).
 Brooke and I planted a garden...
We've been having zucchini bread, sauteed zucchini, zucchini quiche, you get the picture.

The weekend before school started we went to the living planet aquarium.

 Our neighbor Daniella came with us.  Their family entertained Brooke a lot during the summer and we were glad to take her to do something fun.
 I love how happy Sam looks in these pictures!
 Everyone wanted the cool stuffed animals they had at the gift shop.  I said I'd take their picture with them and we could bring them home that way.  Yeesh, what a "mom" thing to say.

 Sharks in Salt Lake???  Awesome!!
Kacey's weekend before back to school wasn't so fun.  She got her wisdom teeth out.  I had posted this earlier but Terrence said I should take it off so I don't embarrass her.  Kacey said to go ahead and put it on because it's such a great memory, not to mention we looked at these pictures about 100 times and laughed every time.  Kacey's sense of humor is awesome and she's surprisingly not vain at all for being such a pretty girl- so here they are- the lost post buried in this one.  Hope I don't get in trouble!
With Wisdom Teeth:
Without Wisdom Teeth:
Maybe there's a reason they call them wisdom teeth!

Then came the dreaded day (for some), dum-da-dum-dum-da! SCHOOL!
 Sam's going to be a Junior this year.  She was bolting for the bus in this picture so I had to be quick.
 Conner's a mighty freshman this year and has been so interested in being organized.  He totally raided the basement office supply shelf, even after I bought his school supplies.  I was okay with it because I'm secretly addicted to office supplies so I can understand the attraction.
 I hope these two are always friends because they have such a cute relationship.
Brookie's in her final year at elementary school.  At back to school night I went over to the volunteer table in the classroom and started signing my life away.  She said, "Mom, are you going to sign up for everything?"  Yes, and she'll be lucky if I don't follow her to  school to make sure I don't miss out on any lasts!  Today she called to say she forgot her lunch.  I was there in 5.
On Sunday Terrence grilled some amazing steaks.  We sat at the dining room table and introduced our theme for the year, 
"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;"- D&C 58:27. 
We want our family to focus this year on being present, not drifting from one thing to another but being truly engaged in the moment, learning from it and living in it.
Then we went around the table and wrote down everyone's goals for the school year.  After our meal Terrence gave the kids and I back to school blessings.
I'm thankful for the different seasons such as Summer that gives us a chance to play and be carefree and for Fall that gives us a chance to become organized again and back to the business of learning and progressing in other ways.  I'll wait until Winter's here before I can say if I'm grateful for that season or not!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I just finished reading "Unbroken" and it really is as good as everyone says.  I find myself thinking about his experiences during the day and how they apply to life.  I'm sad it's over and I need another good book.  Any suggestions?

One of my favorite quotes from the book:
"Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. The stubborn retention of it, even in the face of extreme physical hardship, can hold a man's soul in his body long past the point at which the body should have surrendered it. The loss of it can carry a man off as surely as thirst, hunger, exposure, and asphyxiation, and with greater cruelty.....degradation could be as lethal as a bullet."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Days of Summer

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  I've been enjoying my kids while knowing the upcoming schedule is going to be a welcome change and a smack in the face.  You know, not being able to stay in your jammies 'til 10am, actually having to set the alarm, tucking your kids in bed at night instead of them tucking you in while they stay up until who knows when, packing lunches, doing homework, carpool, it's all coming.  Also coming is 6 hours of uninterrupted errand running, after you pick the house up it stays clean for awhile, no more days of having 30 cups fill the sink (why do they use so many cups in a day?), volunteering at the elementary school while little neighbor kids call your name out to say "hi" (that ends around jr. high, then they start to hide when you come), fall sports, and other fun stuff that comes along with the new school year.  

We've been savoring our past couple of weeks. Some days have been down days.  Other's have been work days, while others we've done fun stuff like go to lunch or the movies.  We really liked "Captain America" and we had a girl's day out to see "The Help" which most of us had read and loved.  We've been school clothes and supply shopping.  We moved Kacey back to SUU. We've been making wedding plans for Kins.  Terrence took Sam, Conner and Brooke to Lagoon while I took Kacey to get her Wisdom Teeth out.  After her surgery we were able to watch some DVR movies at home that have been rotting away on the TV.  We watched "Misery", "The Edge", and "The Last Samurai".  It was nice to have Kacey nearly unconscious.  She stayed home and didn't move much for a few days.  We'll take her anyway we can!  She left again for SUU today and we had to say goodbye all over again!

Ready or not... Here it comes!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lake Powell

Lake Powell is one of the most magical places on earth.  It has a quiet serenity, yet there's laughing and playing whenever you want it.  We went with Todd (Terrence's brother) and his wife Cecily, Ty (another brother) and Jen and their family, along with Grandma Susan and Lane.  It was a cousin fest!!

 It was the perfect day to hike Sandhill, overcast and the sand was cool.   To Sam's delight Kameron piggybacked her part way.  It's the closest thing to the beach I've seen in Utah and I went back on the waverunner whenever I got the chance.
On the way back from Sandhill Terrence spotted this rock just barely poking out in the middle of the lake.  The skies were overcast and the water clear so we all bailed out and went on an itty, bitty island retreat.  As Terrence pulled away on the boat we all had a good laugh that maybe this was a trick to get rid of us and was he really coming back?
The water weenie is always a hit.  While it can be brutal at times, once you get on nobody ever wants to get off.  The "over forty's" had a nice princess ride but there was still some dumpage.  No black eyes this year though!!  There were a few fatalities however, Kinsey and Cec lost towels, Jen and I lost sunglasses, and Terrence's razor all slipped to the bottom of the lake.
Everyone was so good to each other.  Sabrina was good to take riders on the waverunner.  Conner and Dillon and Brooke and Sierra stuck together like glue!  Brooke trying her hair skills out on Aunt Jen... who fed us so well with her wonderful cooking and all the other chefs.  The food was scrumptious!
Terrence and I used to go to Lake Powell with his family back when we were the age of some of these kid's.  It's amazing to see the next generation come and create memories of their own that bond them together.  We're so grateful to Todd and Cecily and their generosity.  Thanks for making this possible- it's one of our favorite things.
I love this picture of Kirstie.  It captures what a deep and deliberate thinker she is.  She's also a great wakeboarder!!  Watching her I couldn't help but think about Kacey who we missed so much on this trip.  (She stayed back and worked her summer job for college money this time.)  Ouch!! What's a mother to do??
We got up early in the morning to go to Rainbow Bridge.  We were there by 8:00 a.m. and were the only ones on the trail.  
The water was nice and for the end of July it was surprisingly pleasant and not too scorching.  Watch out below!
Just of few of the things I was grateful for:   Kolton hangin' with these guys.  They left thinking he's pretty cool.  Uncle Ty for keeping everyone safe.  Aunt Cec for nurturing the little ones.  Uncle Todd for driving and driving and driving and driving, and making this trip happen.  Kirstie for going with me on a walkabout.  Kameron and Janzyn for sharing their adorable Beau and being such cute parents.  Terrence for driving, pulling, cooking, cleaning, parenting, taking us, and just for marrying me.
All the kids jumped into clean the ski boat with Terrence and Ty at the helm.
Talk about the ultimate sleepover.  The comfy beds were made by aunt Jen and a night under the stars is usually magical, unless, a little mouse shows up and all these sleepy heads jolt into action:)
These bathing beauties stayed squeaky clean.  I don't think I've ever seen so much shampoo action in my whole life!

Goodbye Lake Powell, You're AWESOME!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Clear Creek

My baby went away for an entire week of summer camp.  We sure missed her but she had a great time.  (Sorry about the quality, these were taken with my phone).  She talked about it for days and I feel like I saw all the skits they did in person.  It was definately her favorite part.  She was pretty bummed about not catching a potgut though.
 Brooke leaving with some of her school friends.
 This is coming home!

So happy you're home!!