Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Waterfall Hike

After staying up late at the rodeo Friday night, we thought it would be a great idea to get up early and head for the temple.  We had a great session and then went home to get Sam, Brooke and Brooke's friend Lizzy for what Terrence said would be a one hour hike to a waterfall.  I think his "one hour" hike is like a scout mile- and it's just around the corner.  It was 4 hours roundtrip from the trailhead back to the car- but worth it and 45 minutes of it was spent sitting at the falls.  The rainfall in Utah has been amazingly heavy this year.  We crossed several full streams that were bridged by logs just to get there.  Standing by the falls we could feel the power of the water as it pounded the rocks below.  When the falling water hit the rocks it created a geyser that shot up about 100 feet.  I wish I could've captured the feel- but you'll just have to use your imagination.  What a perfect day.

 Terrence is standing to the right of the falls.  It kind of gives you a perspective as to how huge it was.

 Some boy scouts were on their way down from an overnighter and had this pulley set up to cross over the stream.  It made it way easier.  Good job boy scouts!

This is how we ended our day.
We bought this patio set for Terrence for Father's Day.  The real gift was all the weeding that the kids and I did weeks before so it would actually be enjoyable to sit in the yard, the fact that he didn't have to shop for it and haul it home, and that the kids had it all put together and waiting for him when we got back from Chicago.  After we bought it from Costco and took it out to the car, it had the Christmas tree effect.  It didn't look as big in the store, but you go to fit it somewhere and it becomes huge.  The kids and I put all the seats in the Yukon down and lifted the 100 pound boxes this way and that.  I was going to get it in my car one way or another.  After about 15 minutes of looking like a circus act, a woman came and asked if she could help.  She'd been watching us while her husband was in the store and probably couldn't take it anymore.  I asked her what she'd suggest and she said they had a truck.  Yes!  Her poor husband came out of the store with a look like, what you doing now, first you make me go to Costco and now I just want to go home- and she asked him if they could help us.  After assessing the situation we put the things that wouldn't fit in my car (which was most of if) in his truck and they brought it home for us!  It's always so much easier with Terrence.  We have a truck (that I don't dare drive- the thing's a beast, pretty though) and I could've had him help, but that would've ruined the surprise.  He does so much for us and makes it seem so easy!  It was fun to see the kids work so hard to celebrate their dad.  Perfect way to end our day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lehi Rodeo

It was time once again to dust off the boots and head to the Lehi Roundup

Summer just isn't Summer until we spend a day with Leisel the clown and the cowboys.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Doing What Matters Most...

Park Day

When Aunt Lisa comes we have our annual day at the Alpine Park.  The cousins love to get together and play.  I can't believe how even the older ones entertain themselves with their cousins at the park.  There was eating, swinging, visiting, and yes, even some lacrosse.
Brooke, Kacey, Linda, Sophie, Tessa, Tayla, Tamzy, Tommy, Conner, Sam, Lane, Kinsey
Lisa, Linda, Me, Cari
Brooke and Sophie at a game of hide n seek.
I can't believe all the kids made it!  That's happening less and less as they get older.

Tayla is such a good big sister to Tamzyn
Part of the crew just hangin' out.
Brooke, Tommy, Tayla, Tamzyn, Conner, Tessa

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Last week we went to Chicago for The Savage Companies Manager's Meetings.
It was a very cool place and fun to be with family and friends.
This was down from our hotel and just an example of the great architecture we saw all over.
Hancock Observatory

The first day we got there we headed over to the Hancock Observatory and took the elevator 96 floors to see an amazing view of the city and check out the other things we wanted to do and see while we were there.

They even let us wash the windows on the 96th floor! Not really- it's just a goofy booth we went in to have our picture taken, but we were having fun with those toilet brushes!
This was a cathedral across from the observatory.  It's not Rome, but hey- it was impressive.
Navy Pier

Next we headed to the Navy Pier

 Sabrina came with her dad this year and breathed some life into us old folks.  She was up for anything!  We had a great time with her.

The guys even hung out with Bob Newhart.  I love this picture because I can't believe we got them to pose long enough to take it- what good sports!

We rode the 'L' to the Cubs game and boy was it crowded. Terrence doesn't even know the guy he's using as a head rest.  

We went to a rooftop game at Wrigley field.  It was postponed because of the rain and they gave us these super stylish fitted ponchos.

Harpo Studio (sort of)

This had to be one of my favorite memories of the trip.  Sabrina really wanted to see Harpo Studio while we were so close and Cari and I wanted to see the city.  We decided to walk.  Miles.  It was pretty along the river and we thought we'd at least get to go in the building and see where Oprah was filmed, but no.  The security guard just shook his head, "No, little Utah girls.  Not today.  Not ever."  But then, we saw a sign that said the Oprah Store.  What the heck is the Oprah Store?  It was just down the block so off we went.  It was filled with t-shirts, sweatshirts, books, dvd's, and a few other things.  We thought- oh cool.  Then we saw a few people with arms loaded and I asked if there was some sale going on.  Yep.  Then someone said, "Everything's a dollar, we're closing tomorrow."  Then we thought- OH COOL!  We loaded up and stood in line 45 minutes to pay for our goods.  By the time we left the store was nearly cleaned out!  One more hour and we would've missed it!
The trek back with our Oprah Store bags.  Sabrina's was so heavy with books it broke in half!

Museum of Science and Industry

We had a private party at the Museum of Science and Industry.  They had dinner and dessert for us as we wandered around the different exhibits.  We toured a real coal mine they had moved and installed, railcar and all.  I think this coal miner must be a union worker- that's why Terrence has that look on his face.

Another one of my favorite things was a private performance of Blue Man Group.  There were 500 of us this year so we filled the audience.  They were amazing.  I loved it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Do You Do In the Summertime?

Besides weeding and cleaning the house (the kids have been great workers so far this summer) we like to have fun.  My kids favorite playmates are their cousins.  We love when Tommy and Sophie come from California.  They are so cute!

Monday, June 13, 2011


We had two graduations in one day.  My nephew Tanner graduated from Lehi and Dalton from American Fork.  So we got to spend the day hanging out with everyone in Provo at the Marriott Center.  It was fun spending time with family and watching these cute boys graduate.  What a great time in their lives.  Congratulations to Tanner and Dalton!

Tanner's Clan:

 Dalton's Groupies:

Such a fun time in their lives.  We're so happy for them!