Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 24, 2011

Park Day

When Aunt Lisa comes we have our annual day at the Alpine Park.  The cousins love to get together and play.  I can't believe how even the older ones entertain themselves with their cousins at the park.  There was eating, swinging, visiting, and yes, even some lacrosse.
Brooke, Kacey, Linda, Sophie, Tessa, Tayla, Tamzy, Tommy, Conner, Sam, Lane, Kinsey
Lisa, Linda, Me, Cari
Brooke and Sophie at a game of hide n seek.
I can't believe all the kids made it!  That's happening less and less as they get older.

Tayla is such a good big sister to Tamzyn
Part of the crew just hangin' out.
Brooke, Tommy, Tayla, Tamzyn, Conner, Tessa

1 comment:

  1. I wish i could comment on individual pictures. love the one of brook and soph in the blue slide and all the kids swinging. those are sweet ~otty

