Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Days of Summer

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  I've been enjoying my kids while knowing the upcoming schedule is going to be a welcome change and a smack in the face.  You know, not being able to stay in your jammies 'til 10am, actually having to set the alarm, tucking your kids in bed at night instead of them tucking you in while they stay up until who knows when, packing lunches, doing homework, carpool, it's all coming.  Also coming is 6 hours of uninterrupted errand running, after you pick the house up it stays clean for awhile, no more days of having 30 cups fill the sink (why do they use so many cups in a day?), volunteering at the elementary school while little neighbor kids call your name out to say "hi" (that ends around jr. high, then they start to hide when you come), fall sports, and other fun stuff that comes along with the new school year.  

We've been savoring our past couple of weeks. Some days have been down days.  Other's have been work days, while others we've done fun stuff like go to lunch or the movies.  We really liked "Captain America" and we had a girl's day out to see "The Help" which most of us had read and loved.  We've been school clothes and supply shopping.  We moved Kacey back to SUU. We've been making wedding plans for Kins.  Terrence took Sam, Conner and Brooke to Lagoon while I took Kacey to get her Wisdom Teeth out.  After her surgery we were able to watch some DVR movies at home that have been rotting away on the TV.  We watched "Misery", "The Edge", and "The Last Samurai".  It was nice to have Kacey nearly unconscious.  She stayed home and didn't move much for a few days.  We'll take her anyway we can!  She left again for SUU today and we had to say goodbye all over again!

Ready or not... Here it comes!


  1. All of this is true. Minus staying in our pj's till 10. You either ran or we all weeded at like 8 or 9 at the lastest! Yeaaah where's me and my teeth pictures? :D

  2. ready or not... I am definitely NOT!

