Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, November 18, 2011

Family Shoot

Here's a sample of a photo shoot I did this week.  Aren't they a cute family!  I couldn't have asked for better subjects.  These boys are every bit as nice as they are handsome.  I loved working with them.  If you want to see more you can go here.


  1. Deb...they look awesome! I am so happy for you! What a great start to your business!

  2. They are fantastic! I looked at the other ones on your photo blog too. Great job!

  3. Good Luck! But you don't need luck because your are so talented. Your pictures are beautiful. It is fun to see how your photography has evolved. Nice work! You will do amazing:)

  4. So you really are an incredible photographer and tonight I am advertizing for you on my blog:) Loves, H

