Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 15, 2011

Universal Studios Orlando

We thought we'd try Universal Studios since we'd never been there before.  I had checked the weather forecast obsessively before and during our visit to try to plan the best days to do things.  Everyday  said rain.  It never rained... until.  The day we woke up for Universal Terrence looked out and said, "It's gonna rain today."  In true Savage style we threw our water bottles and rain ponchos in the car and headed for the park.  
This was their first ride.  I opted to stay off this bad boy or I would be Hulk Green the rest of the day.  They said it was a head jerker- so I'm glad I chose instead...
 to go on the teacups with Sam.  I ended up only slightly green but was able to keep my breakfast.
 Conner was in heaven at this BMX/Motorcross show.

 Jurassic park was very cool.  A few of us chose to go on the river rafting ride through Jurassic while wearing our ponchos.  Some stayed back because they didn't want to get wet.  Little did they know in a short time it just wouldn't matter.
 Harry Potter was like they built a village of castles and Hogwarts.  It was very cool, but definitely the most crowded place at the park.

 We couldn't come to Harry Potter land and not ride a few rides so we waited about an hour to ride the Harry Potter Virtual reality ride (kind of like Disney's Soarin' over California strapped in concept).  It was worth the wait.  Absolutely amazing, look at the skies before we rode!!!
 Look at the wall of water that was waiting for us when we got out!!  After the ride there were hundreds of people waiting in this small alcove trying to wait out the rain.  We figured it would be hours and what would it hurt us.  It's just water, right?  I was the one that had entered my fingerprint for the locker so I had to buy a poncho in the store and make a mad dash to get everyone's things from the locker.  Within the first step my shoes and ankles were completely soaked.  People were leaving the park left and right.  We were already pretty much wet so why not see what we could do in the park with everybody gone?  We were running in the rain and goofing around when all of the sudden there was a giant flash and loud boom that shook the earth.  Lightening.  Good time to leave.  We joined the hoards of people and left to get pizza and come back in a few hours so my family didn't end up crispy fried.

 This is when we went back after dinner and the last time I pulled out my camera because it was pretty much raining the rest of the time.  Ironically, this was one of our favorite days!  Everything we went on was new and we didn't know what to expect.  We would definitely go back again and wished we could've spent more time there.

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