Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cocoa Beach

I have never had so much fun swimming and boogie boarding in the ocean as I did at Cocoa Beach.  The Atlantic Ocean is so warm compared to the Pacific and you could walk out forever and still reach the bottom.  Not a surfer's dream, but for me it was paradise.  I think the kids liked it too.  Too much sun, not enough applications of sunscreen.  We all look like beef jerky with a coating of Elmer's glue.  We'll be peeling for weeks.  
This was our last vacation with Kinsey Savage before she becomes Kinsey Lossee.  Where did the time go?  
I know I need to enjoy them each much more while I can.  Sometimes they drive me nuts, but this day, it was amazing.  

This is Kacey trying to find her "thumbs up"
Kacey and her dad going out to catch some waves.

 Don't be alarmed by the skeleton in this picture- he thinks it's a six pack so it's all good.

 We rented a $12 umbrella for $15 and it was worth every penny, especially for these two.
If Utah just had a beach it would be perfect.


  1. Your pictures are amazing! Is it the camera or is it you? You are really good! :) It looks like you guys are having a great summer. And yes, I agree, if only Utah had a beach.......

  2. i look retarded in all the beach pictures thank you.

