Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I love SeaWorld.  I think everything about the ocean is mesmerizing.  There is something magical about the whole water world- like visiting another planet without leaving this one.  It's exciting yet calming at the same time.  I thought it was so cool when I was a kid I even wanted to be a Marine Biologist, but instead I ended up on land with these monkeys.  I guess that makes me a Primatologist.
There were things at SeaWorld Orlando they don't have in San Diego like RIDES!  The crowds were minimal and the weather HOT.  This is the Manta.
We're melting...
Cooling off in the shade before the Shamu show.
I think they're mesmerized too...
These two are always so haaaaaappppppy!

and the star of the show...  Shamu XXIV and Shamu XXV
This guy could hold his breath forever.  
 This was one of my favorite creatures.  It's a Sea Dragon.  So cool.
 Ahhhh.... a soundproof timeout booth.  Could I get one of these for home?
More great shows...
I think Conner's getting a little tall for the front row.  We need to start sending him to the back so he doesn't look like he's doing the potty dance.

There was a show every night with performers, fountains, and fireworks to end your stay.  Fabuloso.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had an awesome time so far. Can't wait to see the post tomorrow!

