Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas started this year with church at 11:00am.  I loved that schedule!  We woke up later than usual, opened stockings, and went to church.  We waited until after church to open the gifts and it made for a nice, stress free day.  Can we have that schedule every year?

 Oh Kacey... I got a new smartphone this year and saved the box.  Kinsey got a new phone and that left her nice, yet used Blackberry available.  We gave it to Kacey in the smartphone box.  Not knowing how excited, or thinking she would even care about a smartphone, I threw the Blackberry in the smartphone box for wrapping purposes.  I don't think it went over too well, but after the initial shock, I think she's enjoying her slightly used phone from Kinsey.
 I love how excited my kids get to give us their gifts.
Kacey was also involved in another funny this year.  This coat.  It caused me stress.  Kinsey and Lane got only a couple of things because they got an expensive mixer.  Kinsey wanted a gray coat.  I ordered the one Kacey has on.  When it came it looked black.  It was a great coat and I thought Kacey could use it, so I put it in her pile and ordered Kinsey a more gray one.  I worried and worried about it.  Just what I thought might happen, Kinsey liked Kacey's.  She never said a word to me, but Kacey told me so now we we have two of the above coats and the light gray one got sent back.  I don't know why I hate sending things back, I just do- it's like shopping twice.  Nice coat(s) girls.

Don't you love the after chaos?
 We always have a big breakfast with quiche, french toast, bacon, sausage, egg nog, orange juice, chocolate milk, eggs...  When we asked Brooke her favorite part of the day she said, "Breakfast!"
The rest of the day was spent playing with the toys, spending time together and hanging out with Grandmas.  
 What other day of the year can you ripstik down the road in your jammies followed by a brand new puppy?

Grandma Savage with her new Kindle.

Christmas was amazing!  What a great way to celebrate our Savior's birth.  Giving, receiving, worshipping, and spending time with family.


  1. Am I the star of your blog now or what! :)


  2. Yes Kacey- see what happens when you come home? We can't get enough!!!!!

