Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 18, 2011


We spent spring break in Moab.  We've lived in Utah all these years and hadn't been, so this vacation we made it happen.
This is where we would be calling home for the next few days.
Conner, Brooke, and Sam settled right in.
We had just washed the truck and trailer.  We hoped it wouldn't rain and blow, but it did.  Dirt campground made it more like camping anyway.
Conner in training...
Brooke was in heaven at this "earth treasures" store.

After we checked the town out we went for a drive up to the La Sal Mountains.  It is amazing how you can go from desert to high aspen and pine mountains in a matter of minutes.
Conner was mesmerized!

It was a beautiful day.  Tomorrow... River rafting!
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  1. What great pics! Your kids are looking so grown up.

  2. How Fun we LOVE Moab! Tanner and Carson are with Brooke - the Rock Shop is their favorite place to hang out.

