Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

I love to be out and about enjoying new adventures, but my favorite place is home.  
Top 10 reasons:

10) It's homebase- you know when you were a kid playing tag and you were running all over the place, but when you hit homebase you were safe.  That's what it's like.
9) It feels good.
8) It has all my stuff.
7)  I know I can get warm.
6) Everything I need is here (including the people I love the most).
5) It's where the best memories are made.
4) I can use it to create or just sit and do nothing with nobody watching... except the 5 kids and they like when I do nothing because then I'm not crackin' the whip!
3) It's a learning laboratory.
2) It's walls are filled with laughter, good times, sometimes heartache and tears, the smell of cookies (or a candle that smells like cookies), and the sound of "Mom... Mom... Mom...  I just want to know where you are." 
1) It's where dreams begin, plans are made, adventures are born, my babies were brought, and no matter where I go, where I always want to come back to.