Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 22, 2010

What I like about YOU...

Stefani, Lisa, Kristen, Shelly, Emily, Me

These are some of my favorite people.  

Stefanie and I worked in RS together and she was an amazing counselor.  I couldn't have done it without her!  She's one of those people that doesn't have to tell you how good she is, you just know it because she is.  Sweet, unassuming, and CAPABLE.  Stefani is one of those blessings you get from serving and I know we will have a lifelong bond.

Lisa knew Terrence when they were just kids and was a friend of the Savage family that I got to inherit!  She was there for Kinsey's first birthday, we've lived in several neighborhoods together, and she's been a part of my life for over 20 years.  We even carpool for our elementary kids now.  Some people are meant to be part of your life and Lisa is one of those for me- I'm just lucky that way.  She's a great friend and always there when I need her.

Kristen and I have walked over a year now 3 days a week.  She's my visiting teacher and the best Compassionate Service Leader EVER.  I feel so blessed to be able to spend so much time with someone like Kristen.  She is wise, patient, a good listener and my confidante.  I am blessed to have her as my good friend.  Kristen is an all around AMAZING person and I love her tons!

Shelly was also one of my counselors in RS and such a great example to all of us.  She could have run the place herself!  She has a strong testimony and a deep love for those around her.  She's mean competition for skiing, snowshoeing and I also love to camp and hike with her.  She's a little mighty mite!  Everybody loves Shelly- how could you not?

Emily always has something fun and grandiose going.  She's the planner of the bunch and always has something fun in the works- not just fun but meaningful in a way that blesses others lives.  Emily has a way of knowing others needs and filling them.  She's also a great author and speaker but you wouldn't know it from her- she's very modest and will only talk about her endeavors if you ask her.

I'm so lucky to have these ladies in my life.  Thanks for the birthday luncheon- it was great to be with you!!


  1. Deb, I love hearing about your friends! I thought Stefanie and Shelly ARE your counselors...not WERE! I love making new friends through callings too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  2. Hi Deb,

    Thanks for leaving me a message! My cousins just moved into your ward and I told them you would take good care of them. :) Jeff and Jessica Bench are my cousins--they are amazing!

    Give your family a hug for me!

