Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 8, 2010

Down Day?

Today I had nothing on my calendar until 2:30 which hardly ever happens.  I had a root canal (second one done on the same tooth) on Wednesday.  I thought- I deserve to sleep in.  Or maybe all day.  My high schooler who always buys school lunch, at 6:15 that's A.M. asked my tired butt that had taken a Unisom for the occasion if I would make her home lunch today.  This is the same child that asked me yesterday if I could take her flashdrive to school for her 15 minutes after she had gotten on the bus.  Feeling guilty that she was out of bed and on her way to a productive day at high school and I was planning a nice drool day on my pillow, I said sure honey!  She got a beautiful sub sandwich with lettuce, turkey, cheese and mayo.  I doubt I'll make that for myself today.  I have been productive enough.

I was out of bed now.  I made great lunches for my other two munchkins, far more than I had planned for the day. I wanted to climb back into bed after they left.  I got to the edge of my bed when all of the four cordless phones I finally collected from around the house began this awful ringing in double stereo from my nightstand.  It reminded me of when we brought our first kid home from the hospital- set up the baby monitor on our headboard and listened to her squeek all night long.  It was weeks before I learned that I wasn't being an awful parent if I shut the thing off at night and if she cried loud enough to wake me, THEN I could go get her.   Back to the phone- One of my college daughters.  Mom, guess what happened to me?  My wallet isn't in my purse!  Third time in a couple of years her wallets been missing.  First two were out of her car after the smashing of her car window.  This time someone decided to skip the oh so fun window smashing and just go right for the wallet out of the purse.  Oh honey, that's too bad.  What are YOU going to do?  Not sure.  Me either.  Love you.

As I finally got in my bed to indulge in a "down day for me" I felt the covers choking me and my kids bathroom scream out to me- come scrub me, come scrub me!  It was the worst nightmare ever.  I found my toolbox, unburied the putty knife and went to the tub where "IT" (the clown) could've been waiting for me in the drain and it would've been less scary.  I scraped all the $20 a bottle conditioner off the walls- how it got there I don't know- that's a lot of hair flipping. And it was somehow therapeutic.  The nightmare stopped.

Sleeping in is wasted on teenagers.  Enjoy it while you can guys.  I might be a little envious.  I need to plan my down days a little more carefully next time.


  1. Then Kacey came home and everything was okay :D

  2. You are so dang funny! Down days are over rated it is much more fun scraping expensive conditioner off of the shower wall. And someday your kids are going to remember how cool you were to do all those nice things like lunch,listen and clean dirty tubs for them right? Hmmmmm....

