Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, September 16, 2011

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times!

 Some of our family friends in the neighborhood did a bridal shower for Kinsey.  Doesn't this all just look so good!  And this was taken before all the food got there.  There were Shirley Gibson rolls, Tasha Murphy cookies, Michele Stringam cupcakes, Kristen Ituma and Chitomi Wilkenson  salads, Lisa Fraughton and Niki Rawle fruit, Shelly's "power punch"(no that doesn't include booze), and I'm sure others I don't even know about that were so kind to bring things.

 Dani wrapped this and was so pleased with the wrap job, she just held it for awhile before giving it up!
 Kinsey grew up babysitting for Michele
Tasha Murphy was one of Kinsey's favorite YW Leaders.  She affectionately called her "Smurf"
I got to come and loved seeing Kinsey be so cute and grown up.
 Jen, Becky and Stef
Some of the group- I tried to catch people but because it was an open house people came and went, but these are some I happened to get a picture of!
And these are some of the best friends a girl could have.  I love these ladies!  Lisa, Shelly, Emily and Kristen are not only beautiful but have been so kind and generous to our family over the years.  They are great examples to me and to my daughters.  Thanks for throwing my baby a shower guys!  (Lisa was also there on Kinsey's 1st birthday.  We like her so much we just keep  her around!)


  1. Your as pretty as the bride to be...really. Looks like fun.

  2. aww. I like all those ladies there. Wish I was there.
    - Kacey

  3. It was so fun! Kinsey is so cute and I am so excited for her!

  4. I looks like she had a great time. I am so excited for her. It seems like yesterday you all had just moved in and she was in 7th grade! Crazy- we have to stop blinking:)

