Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Would You Do?

So, I've spent most of my day sewing a quilt that I signed up to finish for the Relief Society.  I've taken way too many breaks as I've had flashes of brilliance to check out Master's Degree Programs (boring quilt).  I've been looking at School Counseling, Psych, or an Ed.D.  I finished my degree with 3 kids in tow and did a lot of it independent study and night classes, so I missed some of the classroom experience, which I LOVE, and always said I'd go back.  Sometimes I think I'm ready, but the acceptance process is soooooo painstaking... GRE Test, minimum GPA, hours of homework once you get in- for years.  What I really want to do I can't and don't need a Master's for anyway.  I'd like to teach institute but - being female a requirement from the church is that all of your kids have to be out of the house (I'm pretty attached to them and don't feel like those remaining home at 11, 14 and 16 could survive long on their own, although tempting at times).  I love education and would love to go back for the experience alone, but want it to count for something to go towards in the future.  

Anyone have any experiences to share that could be helpful? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing pro. That's a great website. You probably already know they're revising the GRE in August and have new study books for it already by Kaplan. I'm going to check it out. Good luck with yours.

