Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Love Fall!

We went to Southern Utah for the weekend.  It was beautiful Fall weather and Kacey was cheering for her colleges first game.  We had an adventerous Saturday  before the game.  It was such a beautiful day!
We stopped at the lake for a rock skipping contest...  We forgot to declare a winner.

There was a village at the top of the canyon.  I couldn't resist having the kids stand in front of this mountain man's truck that was decorated in honor of 9/11.

We smelled some great Bar-B-Que around the village and thought we'd stop for some lunch.  We followed our noses and found a little hut with a smoker out back.  The sign said, "Open at noon- closed when we run  out."  We walked to the counter and the first thing the girl said was, "We don't have chicken, Coke, or Sprite."  "Ok.  What do you have?"  "Smoked bar-b-que pork sandwiches and red cream soda". "That's what we'll have."  After 5 cream sodas they ran out, so we shared.  They were the best sandwiches, EVER.  I found myself wondering if that could work in life.  Hmmmm...  I'll be available at noon until my energy or patience wears out, whichever goes first, then you'll have to try again tomorrow.  Also, I don't have chicken, Sprite or Coke.  You'll have to have what I'm making or go without.  What they did they did well.  We'll be going back, but it will be close to  noon so we don't risk them running  out!  I wonder what they will or won't have next time?  (You may have noticed they didn't have tables either.)

Afterward we went back to town and found a farmers market where they sold earth treasures like polished rocks and chainsaw carved logs in the shape of bears (treasure is a generous word in this case).  There was also an RV out front with a local doomsday prophet who was predicting the end of the world... again.

Kacey's game was really fun.  It was novel cheering for a team that actually won!!  35-3 against San Diego.  It looks like Conner was the winner here though!

When we got home Kinsey came for a visit and was wearing a shirt from my alma mater.  I had to take a picture for proof.  I love family weekends.  This is a great time in life.


  1. What a great weekend! Conner's face is very happy amongst all of the cheerleaders! I loved your lunch experience! Too funny! I am going to try that at home too!

  2. I've been out of coke, sprite and chicken all week! I guess i'm out of business. Sounds like something out of the movie RV. What a great weekend and memories you'll laugh about for years to come!

    P.S. Hi Sam! From Tanner and Carson (and Steph too!)

  3. Oh, my gosh! you make me laugh...actually i could really go for a red cream soda and pulled pork it sounds good and it looked like you guys had a lot of fun! Kacey looks so pretty!

  4. I'm cute. That was a fun weekend. Repeat next week! Get Kins to come.

