Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, December 10, 2010

Guess Who

I gathered baby pictures of everyone in our family from dusty boxes in the basement.  Most of the pictures were taken at 6 months and I made a collage that's framed and in our hallway.  The kids had fun finding their pictures and guessing who was who.

Conner went through and guessed pretty well until he got to me.  He looked at it and said, "Someone from another family with a shag."  My mom wasn't into the whole take a picture at 6 months old thing- so I'm not bald like the rest of 'em because I'm around 18 months.  Thank goodness I changed them all to sepia too, because I was orange.  No kidding- I was allergic to everything so I lived off of carrot juice until I was like 5.  The carotene in the carrot juice made my skin orange.

Another clue- the boys don't have bows...


  1. So cute! I know exactly who everyone is!! I don't remember ever seeing Conner's baby pictures...maybe it is because we lived so far away. He is such a cute baby. I think Kinsey and Brooke have a similar look in these and Terrence looks like Lisa. Thanks for sharing.

