Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, November 27, 2011


This year Thanksgiving was at my home and we were blessed with all kinds of Savages and a few others.  What a blessing to be able to share this holiday with so many loved ones.  We're grateful so many were able to come and share a special day with us.

Sierra, Tessa, and Brooke even wore the same hairstyle for the special occasion.

Jim and Lisa flew up from Carlsbad. What a treat!  We wish we could see them more often, but we'll take them when we can. They're such a great family.

Sophie was showing the camera some of her moves...

The ping pong table FINALLY getting used... 

Tommy loving hanging with his Utah cousins.
Lane brought his brother Shane and he fits right in.
Oh yeah, the food was good too.
These boys know how to carve a turkey!
The girls... (in the kitchen, previously visiting around the table)
 More of the fam...
 The guys... (a little turkey day football)
 The kids... (waiting to eat)
 ... and who knows what THESE two are up to?!?!!!
Kacey had her golden birthday a little bit ago (she turned 20 on Nov. 20) but was away at school so we had a little celebration afterward.  Here's Sophie giving the backpack I bought to Kacey.  
Happy Bday Kacey!!
Lisa and Sam having a bonding moment...
 and Grandma probably thinking about her comfy bed but hanging in there just a little bit longer.
We love you all and are so happy we got to spend our turkey day with you!


  1. GREAT Family Day...I am sad we put the family count down this year right?

