Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 23, 2011


These are the finals:
Which do you like?



  1. A...C....B....BUT serious she can not go wrong and now I know who I can count on to take fab pics! You are AWESOME! Cute girl!

  2. B is my favorite, but it's hard to see the text. I LOVE the picture in the tire with the turquoise background. It's my most favorite. Either way, this lucky girl looks awesome! Great Job - wanna take our family pictures? We're not as pretty, but you could make us look FABULOUS!!! I'm serious - let me know.

  3. Awww Steph, you're too nice. I'd love to take your family pictures. It would be fun just hanging out with you guys (as always) and we could take some pictures while we're at it! If you didn't like them, we could chuck 'em and you could get a real photographer!

  4. Hey! This is Anonymous. I just wanted to let you know this is the BEST Blog I have ever visited ... I LOVE IT!!!

  5. Hey "anonymous", how 'bout a weekend at Fishlake- just and you ME baby. I'll bring the food, you bring the four wheelers, and oh ya, the five kids.

