Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,

for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Beach

We had a really great Thanksgiving in Carlsbad hosted by Terrence's sister Lisa and her husband Jim.  It was warm and wonderful.  Terrence's mom, Linda, was there too and her dressing was once again, amazing!! We spent it eating, visiting with loved family and new friends, skateboarding, biking, jogging along the beach, swimming at the beach, biking, and saw the movie Tangled (which I'd recommend).  The kids loved being with their cousins and can't wait until we get together again.  It was truly a time to be Thankful for.
Brooke and Sophie                            Tommy and Conner

                           Lisa, Jim, Tommy and Sophie                        Kinsey and Kacey


Day at the Beach

And then home to this...
I am grateful during this time of thanksgiving for wonderful family and the beautiful things God has given us.  I am thankful for my Savior and the opportunity he has given me to progress eternally and live forever through his atonement.  I am thankful for Jim and Lisa and their generosity and graciousness to open their home to us and share such a special holiday.


  1. What an awesome vacation and Thanksgiving! I love all of the pictures. Jim and Lisa truly live in a perfect spot!

  2. What a beautiful way to spend Thanksgiving! You take such fantastic pictures! Happy Holidays! -Steph

  3. Terrence and Deb, great pics of Thanksgiving, wish we could've been there. Sorry to hear about your foot bro.


