We got a call from one of the bishopric members while I had two kids at youth conference. That's like getting a call from the principal when you're not on a committee. Never good. Hi, how you doing, yada, yada, yada, give me the news I know this isn't social. Well, Sister Savage, your boy was tubing and...
He chipped two teeth and broke another one along the gum line. Oh. So, can I talk to him? I asked how bad it hurt and if he wanted to come home. What was done was done and it wouldn't make a difference if it was fixed that day or in a week. He chose to stay and when I hung up I imagined a Jack-o-lantern coming home in three days. He ended up with a root canal and we'll know soon if it worked or if he'll lose the tooth and get an implant. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
Then it was off to the orthodontist for Brooke. She has had two sets of braces already. Her teeth came in like spider mandibles. Seriously. The front teeth were sideways. Now her teeth are beautifully straight and awkwardly buck. In the old days they used to correct it with head gear, now they use what's called a "mara". It looks like a medieval torture device. She has been dreading it for months. Last night we kept saying, Brooke, you're getting your mara tomarra! She didn't think it was funny.
She was a little nervous when we got there.
If her eyes look teary in this picture, it's because they are. They had to laser her gums off to get the device around her teeth. Poor little thing.
Now she can speak to the mothership with this baby. The doctor told her it was better than looking like Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Head gear just isn't cool. One year of the mara, one year of braces and she'll have beautiful teeth. Just like Conner. So she can go tubing and knock them out.
Hang in there Brookie!